In honor of our 40th anniversary (also known as the “Ruby Anniversary”) we thought we’d celebrate by giving away one of our luxurious comforters! Our Ruby Jacquard Scroll comforter is as cozy as it is gorgeous (and the color is perfect for the holidays)! It’s simple – all you have to do to enter the contest is sign up for Cuddledown’s emails. And with Black Friday deals coming up – you’ll be among the first to know, so it’s a win either way !
Since it’s our 40th anniversary, we’ve been researching the 70s, and found that in 1976, in the year of our country’s bicentennial, President Gerald Ford and Congress designated the week of Thanksgiving “National Family Week.” In an article posted at the Retro Housewife, the author outlines the history of Thanksgiving, including the following:
Thanksgiving and family are two words that have become inseparably linked ever since this – rich tradition began with the pilgrims 355 years ago in December 1621. “Thanksgiving is the oldest and most truly American of our national holidays,” contended Ralph Linton,” renowned American anthropologist. “It has changed less in its intention and in the manner of its celebration than any other of our holidays, national or international. The founders of America had never heard of most of the things we now do at Christmas or Easter, but Thanksgiving is still very much what the Pilgrims made it – A giving of thanks for divine bounty coupled with a practical demonstration of that bounty.”
“Thanksgiving, even more than Christmas, is the holiday which brings scattered kindred together,” he continued, “Old family jokes and stones are shared and for a little while all hands bask in a sense of belonging to an intimate, affectionate group. They may go back to their separate homes later, but for a while they have been part of something larger than themselves.”
Following in this tradition, at Cuddledown, we’re closed on Thanksgiving (unlike many of the big box stores), so our employees (and customers) can spend the day relaxing and celebrating with their familes and friends. We’ll be enjoying the holiday with our loved ones, and wish you the same!
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