Forget about your annoying co-workers or relatives, your pain in the neck might actually be due to your pillow! When you’re tossing and turning and just can’t get comfy – it’s time to re-evaluate your fluffy friend! According to several experts quoted on WebMD, pillows can not only impact the quality of our sleep, but also how healthfully we rest and recharge, and the wrong pillow can actually worsen headaches, neck pain, shoulder and arm numbness, and numerous other issues, and at the very least, keep you from getting a good night’s rest.
Start the New Year out right by sleeping comfortably! At Cuddledown, our product development and manufacturing teams have created several “sleep solutions” pillows, specially designed for individualized sleep comfort. Our Synthetic Contour Cradle Pillow is recommended by the experts at Good Housekeeping, stating “A special shoulder cut-out makes this comfy pillow perfect for side snoozers!”
Made with German hypoallergenic synthetic fill, our soft, yet supportive pillow is great for side and back sleepers – side sleepers can rest on the “arms” of the contoured shape, while back sleepers can lie straight or tilt their heads to either side while still being supported. And you can use a regular standard pillow case.
Follow the experts’ advice and improve your health with better sleep!
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