When Christian Schallert invites friends over for dinner in his apartment in the heart of Barcelona, Spain, they first look around in amazement, wondering where his kitchen, or for that matter, his bed and any other furniture are? The 258 square foot studio apartment, complete with an outdoor balcony and view of the city, looks to the untrained eye to be one big closet with cabinet doors lining both sides.
Inspired by the interior living spaces he had seen on boats – the apartment was created by designer Barbara Appolooni to make the most of the compact space, with his micro kitchen, dining area and bedroom materializing almost out of thin air! In the video shown here, one of the people in the apartment comments that it’s like “Legos for adults” with all the pieces fitting neatly into place, to be utilized as needed.
Most people probably don’t require 4,000 square foot homes, however, this home takes downsizing to the nth degree! Of course, in the video, it doesn’t mention a girlfriend or wife. Try fitting most women’s clothing collections (not to mention shoes) into that space! I’m thinking he’ll be moving up about the time he starts dating someone seriously!
What do you think? Could you live in a space such as this?
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