
April Sale Event at our Freeport, ME Outlet Store!

March 31, 2016 by
2016 April Sale Event

2016 April Sale EventDuring the entire month of April, save 20% off all regularly priced items at our Freeport, ME Outlet Store! For driving directions, click here.


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  • Reply Debby April 15, 2016 at 7:49 pm

    How we have enjoyed Cuddledown products over the years! Their website is extremely frustrating because it doesn’t recognize ones current password and offers NO option to reset it! That means that they expect you to re-enter all of your information with every order! This is extremely poor customer service and I’m positive that it has lost business for the company. Calling to order in the past I have mentioned this to whom I was speaking. It’s 2016, get with the program please!

    • Reply Carly April 18, 2016 at 11:27 am

      Hi Debby,
      With added enhancements and security features to our site, we no longer reset passwords or make previous order history available online. Security of our customer’s ordering history and payment history is of the utmost importance to us. If need to double check a previous order, please contact our customer service center at 1-800-323-6793. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for the feedback!

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