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  • Tips & Trends

    How much sleep do you really need?

    Since everyone has differences in lifestyles and genes, the exact number of hours needed for sleep varies from person to person, but sleep experts have been able to produce a general guideline to use as…

    February 17, 2015
  • Cuddledown Life

    Snowed in

    If you live in the Northeast, then you probably know that even more snow is expected to come following Storm Juno. After your driveways are cleared, we hope you get the chance to relax…

    January 29, 2015
  • Tips & Trends

    Eat your way to a better night’s sleep

    If you have trouble falling and staying asleep, changing the foods you eat and drink could be the solution. Plus, who doesn’t love a yummy snack? 1.  Tree Nuts and Peanuts- The unsaturated fat in…

    October 22, 2014
  • Tips & Trends

    2014 Fall Décor Trends

    A change in seasons is the perfect time to update your home décor. Fall weather always welcomes warm color palettes and foliage accents, but if you’re looking for a twist, try one of these…

    October 8, 2014

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