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What’s old is new — from feedsack dresses to DIY pillowcase nightgowns!

January 23, 2013 by
Pillowcase nightgown

Feedsack dressesToday we take for granted the easy availability of inexpensive fabric and clothing. But back in the day, especially during the Depression, our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, out of necessity and sheer practicality, made do with what they had. From the 1920s through the 1950s, flour and sugar were sold in large cotton bags. Women of that time found creative uses for the sacks, making not only household goods like towels, curtains and so on, but also creating clothing such as aprons, undergarments and dresses. Companies selling the products soon realized the opportunity for marketing and began creating attractively printed sacks.

Today with more emphasis on recycling and the current economic climate, we’re looking back at the practicality of our elders. We may not have flour sacks, but most of us have bedding we could recycle. How many of us have worn out sheets, but have extra pillowcases stPillowcase nightgownill in good shape? Rather than throw them away, or stick them in the dusty back of the closet, pretty printed pillowcases, such as Cuddledown’s floral and paisley pillowcases, could make a cute skirt, or a child’s nightgown!

There are many craft bloggers and websites with tutorials on how to make a pillowcase nightgown and even more with other great ideas for crafty recyclers! Our grandmas would be proud!

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